Northwest Territories Online Casinos
Northwest Territories Sports Betting

Located in Northern Canada, the Northwest Territories are comprised of 519,734 square miles of land and over 43,500 residents. It’s been part of the Canadian Confederation since 1870, and it once included the land that would later be subdivided into the territory of Nunavut. The current capital of the Northwest Territories is Yellowknife, and it’d held that distinction since 1967.
Aboriginal people make up the majority of the population, although other ethnic groups in the region include English, Canadian, Irish, Scottish, French, German, and Ukrainian. The region also has a wide array of official languages, which include the following: Cree, French, English, South Slavey, Dogrib, North Slavey, Inuvialuktun, Inuktitut, Inuinnaqtun, Gwich’in, and Chipewyan.
Northwest Territories sports betting is legal, and the same applies to bingo and the lottery. Land-based casinos could also be placed in the region, but this hasn’t happened due to the low population and somewhat isolated nature of the area. The purpose of this article is to talk more about sports betting, including the various types of wagers that can be made while staying in compliance with the law.
Legal Sports Betting in the Northwest Territories
Sports betting is legal in the Northwest Territories, and it’s regulated by the NWT Lotteries. This entity uses a service known as Sport Select, which is also available in Manitoba, Western Canada, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and the Yukon. Retailers who deal in lottery and Sport Select products are available in the following cities and towns:
• Yellowknife
• Tuktoyaktuk
• Rankin Inlet
• Norman Wells
• Iqaluit
• Inuvik
• Hay River
• Fort Smith
• Fort Simpson
• Fort Providence
• Enterprise
• Behchoko
• Aklavik
In addition to these local retailers, customers can log onto the official Sport Select website and make their selections. No matter which location you choose, you’re limited to $250 in wagers per day. The following sports are available when their league is in season:
• Soccer
One of the biggest drawbacks of the Sport Select service is the lack of bets on individual games. Due to Canadian law, all sports wagers must take the form of parlay bets, and all selections must be correct in order for the player to collect money.
Another negative is the sub-par odds offered by Sport Select. This is largely due to the fact that the service has a monopoly on land-based sports betting, so they don’t need to be competitive in order to survive. This issue has resulted in a number of unsatisfied customers, with many serious gamblers taking their business online. But Sport Select has continued on, secure in the knowledge that the average customer isn’t informed enough to know that they’re getting inferior odds.
Finally, there’s the matter of selection. Five different sports are available to be wagered on, but this leaves out a lot of athletic competitions. If you prefer to bet on rugby, auto racing, volleyball, or a number of other options, then you’ll need to look elsewhere.
The following types of wagers are available from Sport Select:
• Pro-Line – Players can wager from $2 to $100 while choosing the outcome of three to six games. Options include “home team win,” “visiting team win,” and “tie.”
• Over/Under – A number is provided on your ticket, and you must decide if the final score of the game is going to be higher or lower. Predictions can be made on two to ten games, with wagers ranging from $2 to $100.
• Point Spread – Players must factor the point spread into the equation, which adds points to the underdog and deducts them from the favorite. Two to twelve games can be wagered on, and bets range from $2 to $100. The more picks you get correct, the greater the amount of your payout.
• Pools – For a fee of $5, you can enter into a contest against all the other Sport Select players in the Northwest Territories. All you have to do is predict the winners for an upcoming slate of games, and you receive points for each successful prediction. If your overall score is the highest when the contest ends, then you’ll walk away with your share of prize money.
• Props – For each selection, two athletes in the same sport are pitted against one another. It’s up to the customer to predict who’ll have the better numbers in a measurable statistic such as hits, goals, or passing yards. The size of the wager can be from $2 to $100, and up to six selections can be made.
• Double Play – This option allows customers to combine Over/Under and Pro-Line wagers on the same ticket. Three to six picks are required, and bets can range from $2 to $100.
• Combo Play – Bet on a series of combinations for the same game using Pro-Line, Point Spread, and Over/Under. Combos can run from two to five games, and wagers run from $2 to $20.
Online Sports Betting in the Northwest Territories

There are no laws prohibiting online sports betting in the Northwest Territories. As long as you can find a site that accepts Canadian players, you should be able to gamble without any problems. The Canadian dollar is widely accepted by most online casinos and sportsbooks as a valid form of currency, and the French language is also frequently supported.
Professional Sports Teams
Due to its small population and distance from major Canadian cities, the Northwest Territories don’t have any major sports teams. There aren’t any minor-league teams of any consequence, either, so those hoping to wager on hometown sports should consider adopting one of the teams from a neighboring province such as Alberta and British Columbia.
College Sports Teams
There are no college sports teams in the Northwest Territories. If your passion is wagering on collegiate-level sporting events, then you’ll need to look at neighboring provinces such as Alberta and Saskatchewan.
Northwest Territories sports betting is alive and well, despite a general lack of athletic competition in the region. While the odds on these games aren’t the best, players can supplement their hobby with superior betting lines from online sportsbooks.
Interpretation of NWT Online Gambling Laws
The Northwest Territories of Canada – NWT for short – are a unique region of the world. They make up the country’s third largest land mass, with an area of around 1.3 million km2. Yet, for all that land, it’s only inhabited by about 42,000 people, due to a harsh, subarctic climate.
The primary industries here are mining for gold and diamonds, drilling for oil, fishing and forestry. The people of NWT are a hardy bunch, accustom to long hours and worthwhile pay checks. But when it comes to entertainment, there just isn’t a whole lot to do. And being so abominably cold most of the year, a night on the town isn’t so appealing.
Like many of their fellow Canadians, NWT residents tend to enjoy gambling as an amicable pastime. They have all the modern technologies of the world, but nowhere to go to place a wager. There are no casinos in NWT. Casino industries are generally tied to high tourism areas, and NWT simply isn’t one of them, except in the winter months when visitors travel to witness the majestic beauty of the Aurora Borealis (northern lights).
The NWT’s Legislative Assembly does not regulate online gambling, either. The population simply isn’t large enough to support such an investment. Anyone with a computer or mobile device and internet access can utilize offshore online casinos, poker rooms or sports betting sites. But the real question is…
Is Online Gambling Legal in NWT?
Certain forms of gambling are authorized by NWT’s Lotteries Act. Within its definitions is a clarification of the ubiquitous term “lottery”:
“lottery” includes those games of chance commonly known as bingo, nevada ticket, casino, raffle and sports draft lotteries;
But as I said, no real casinos exist here. “Casino” applies to licenced charitable events that cannot operate for more than 3 consecutive days, or more than once in a 6 month period per community.
NWT online gambling laws don’t exit. The government only scripts laws to deal with the forms of gambling it regulates. And since NWT does not regulate online gambling, it’s not really legal or illegal. Thus, to dig up more evidence for our question, we must turn to the Criminal Code of Canada.
NWT Online Gambling Laws of Canada

The Criminal Code has a lot to say about gambling. It’s teaming with definitions and prohibitions and express authorizations for provincial and territorial governments. However, despite the their verbose nature, they don’t offer a whole lot of help in answering our question. They are so out of date, they don’t specifically relate to the interactive realm.
bet means a bet that is placed on any contingency or event that is to take place in or out of Canada, and without restricting the generality of the foregoing, includes a bet that is placed on any contingency relating to a horse-race, fight, match or sporting event that is to take place in or out of Canada; (pari)
So a “bet” applies to sports betting, horse race betting, etc.
game means a game of chance or mixed chance and skill; (jeu)
“Games” are things like casino games (i.e. slots, blackjack), bingo, lottery, etc.
Then we have Canada’s interpretation of gambling, which simply states it’s illegal. All of it. Gambling is unlawful, period. If a gambling house of any type is operating on Canadian soil, it’s a direct violation of the Criminal Code. Unless a province or territory chooses to regulate it.
207 (1) …it is lawful (a) for the government of a province, either alone or in conjunction with the government of another province, to conduct and manage a lottery scheme in that province, or in that and the other province, in accordance with any law enacted by the legislature of that province;
This basically means that an area of Canada can authorize and regulate any form of gambling (online or on land) they see fit, so long as it falls within the definitions of gambling (bet or game).
What Does It All Mean
Basically, this means that any form of gambling is illegal without authorization from the province/territory. But again, there’s a jurisdictional matter. Canada law only penalizes an operator if 1) it does not have a licence to operate legally, and 2) it has a physical presence in Canada.
That second fact was proven in the BC Courts in 2001. An online gambling operator, Starnet Communications International, was prosecuted for illegal gambling. That company was based and licenced in Antigua, but the courts found them guilty based on the sole fact that it held an office in Vancouver. Its physical presence in Canada was its only downfall.
So, based on all the legal evidence, we can conclude the answer our question. Is online gambling legal in NWT? Yes, it is. Players are not violating any Canadian or NWT online gambling laws by placing wagers with offshore gambling websites.
Disclaimer: Please note that we are not lawyers, and are not qualified or attempting to offer legal advice. The following is our personal interpretation of current legislation. For precise clarification of the laws in the Northwest Territories and/or Canada, please contact an attorney or local authorities.
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About the Author
Adalene Lucas: is our jack of all trades here at DBC. She is a skilled coder, gambler, writer and webmaster. She lives in Manitoba where she enjoys the lush landscapes and camping near Tulabi Falls. Nature gives her inspiration to write. When she’s not immersed in nature, her favorite words are “game theory”. She lives with her husband and their two Labradors, Kophy and Whisper.
Introduction to the World of Northwest Territories Online Casino

The Northwest Territories is a federal territory of Canada located between Nunavut and Yukon. As any other province or state, it has its own specific set of rules when it comes to online gambling. Is online gambling legal in Canada? Yes. How do you have a fun and safe experience with it? We’re going to tell you. If you’re looking to visit a Northwest Territories online casino website, read on and find out everything there is to know about gambling in this area.
With almost 50 000 of population, the Northwest Territories are the second biggest land area in Northern Canada. Although it’s the most populous out of the three Canadian territories, it is not a very crowded area. Its capital, Yellowknife, is the Territories’ biggest community with a population of about 20 000. Naturally, there are a lot of Northwest Territories online gambling enthusiasts among these people.
Best Northwest Territories Online Casinos

Who Can Gamble in the Northwest Territories Casino?
As in many other places around the world, the legal gambling age is 18. So, if you can vote, you might enjoy some online games too.
What About Land-Based Casinos?
Although there are no specific laws that prohibit land-based them, there aren’t any even in the capital. The reason for this seems to be a lack of demand for such facilities. Considering the low population of the area and a weak flow of tourists, this is not surprising at all. Thankfully, we live in an age where secure online casinos are available for everyone.
What Can a Legal Online Casino Northwest Territories Offer?
Video Poker
Video poker is one of the most popular games in the Northwest Territories Canadian online casinos. The reason behind its success is the simple fact that the game is extremely similar to the real thing. Not only is the game itself the same, but most websites also emerge you into the casino atmosphere with sound effects and music. It’s a perfect fit for any players who don’t know where to start. This timeless classic is also the easiest to learn.
Roulette is a classic game of chance. Although the online version lacks the volumes of the real thing, the amount of fun and money you can have is not affected by that. The Internet offers a standard version to enjoy on your own and a live dealer roulette that puts your decision-making on a timer. Exciting, isn’t it? If you don’t want to learn any new game rules, go for the roulette. With a no deposit roulette, it will only take you one click to start spinning.
Slots are one of the most fun games any gambling website can offer. There are so many themes, it’s impossible to not find something you like. The competition among slots is serious, so many casinos are offering free spins or other bonuses. Once you set your eyes on a slot machine, study the symbols and make your bet.

Online blackjack is a game with one clear goal of getting to 21. The rules of online blackjack are the same as those of the real-life version. You can play with a simulator as well as with other online players.
Live Dealer
Live dealers are a perfect choice for those missing the experience of sitting at the casino table. Your dealer is a real person, and so are your game opponents (if there are any). The dealer not only makes the games feel more real but much more exciting as well.
Origins of Online Gambling Northwest Territories
Canadian gambling laws are a little complicated. As every other province, the Territories made up their own gambling rules back in 1970. Residents of the Territories only enjoy online casino Northwest Territories, as there aren’t any land-based facilities at all. Although the Northwest Territories gaming control act doesn’t prohibit them, there isn’t enough demand for them to appear. The only real-life activities available are bingo and lotteries and occasional charity-based casinos.
How Popular is Gambling in the Territories?
Residents of the Territories enjoy all the top rated online games as most other Canadians. There has been an increase in interest in online casino Northwest Territories caused by the pandemic. Apart from spinning the roulettes and dealing cards, they also seem to enjoy an occasional sports bet.
When Will Casinos in Northwest Territories Reopen?
Considering the fact that the majority of the population is already vaccinated, lotteries should be taking place in the nearest future. When will the first land-based gamlbling centers open in the Northwest Territories? Only time will show.
What Kinds of Lotteries Are Available to Northwest Territories Players?
All lotteries have to be licensed and can only be conducted by non-profit organizations. They typically include bingo, raffles, and Nevada pull-tickets.
Who is Behind the Gambling Laws of the Northwest Territories?
All gambling activity in the Northwest Territories is regulated by the NWT Lotteries and the Consumer Affairs department of the Municipal and Community Affairs. Online gambling is not persecuted no matter the country host of the website.
What are the Best Northwest Territories Online Casinos Available Today?
Betway is a platform that has been around for a while now, so they know how to treat their clients well. Apart from the fact that they offer over 500 different games, they provide welcome bonuses and convenient deposit and withdrawal methods. The variety of available payment methods ensures secure and fast payout.
Jackpot City
Jackpot City offers over 400 types of slots and other games supported by Microgaming. If you’re not ready to commit, you’ll be happy to know about the no deposit free spins. What stands out about Jackpot City is one of the fastest payout periods of 1-2 days.
Spin Casino
Spin Casino is a trustworthy online gambling provider with over 600 games in its inventory. Every new client is offered a generous welcome bonus of $1000. They accept multiple payment methods including visa and mastercard and offer 24/7 customer support.
Ruby Fortune
Ruby Fortune has been in the game almost as long as the laws that made online casino Canada legal, which serves as proof of the security and the amount of fun you can potentially have there. Although, the best payout speed, you can start playing with as little as $10.
Europa Casino
Europa Casino is famous for the thrill and colors it brings into your online gambling experience. You don’t have to travel anywhere further than your desk to find yourself in Monte Carlo. They also offer a mobile version that supports all 400 games and slots available.
What are Top Land-Based Casinos in Northwest Territories?
At the moment, there aren’t any physical centers in the Territories. This might change in the future, but for now, the residents can only visit an online casino.
How We Rate Northwest Territories Online Casinos
Security of your personal details is the number one thing you should think about when picking a Northwest Territories casino online. When reviewing a casino, security protocols and licenses are what we check out before anything else. Every decent gambling enterprise should be licensed, regulated by a trusted authority, have a safety protocol enabled on their website, and offer secure payment methods.
If a casino is not licensed, there is no way to know that it’s safe. Such a website can disappear from the Internet a few hours after you make a deposit. We always check for a license before making any conclusions about an online casino.
As time goes by, the competition among Northwest Territories online casinos becomes more intense. As a result, each of them is trying to create the best offers that will make you play on their website. We make it our duty to find the best bonus offers and promo codes to boost your deposit amount and a potential win.
Payment methods are one of the most important factors in choosing an online casino. Not only should transactions be safe, but they should also not take months to be processed. When compiling reviews, we make sure to pick the fastest payout and low deposits casinos.
The turnaround time and transaction fees mostly depend on the payment system itself. Therefore, it’s important that a casino offers a variety of deposit and withdrawal methods. How do you pick the best one? It really is a matter of personal preference. Choose whatever payment system provider or bank you feel safe with and have access to.
Do Flawless Platforms Exist?
They do not. Some won’t offer high bonuses, some won’t have your payment system available. So, when you’re picking, just make sure that it’s safe and that you’ll have fun.
Sports Betting in Northwest Territories

On this page, bettors from Northwest Territories have access to the information needed to understand sports betting and gambling thoroughly. They will learn about sports betting laws, how to bet in the Province, and the best Northwest Territories Betting Sites available.
- Reviews of Top Northwest Territories Betting Sites
- Key Northwest Territories Gambling Information
- Northwest Territories Betting FAQ
How to recognize a great Northwest Territories betting site?
- Available to legally bet in Northwest Territories
- Fast payouts
- Great welcome bonuses
- Plenty of deposit options
Best Northwest Territories Betting Sites
Northwest Territories Betting at Sports Interaction

Available to Northwest Territories bettors
Fantastic odds and markets on North American sports
Highly functional website
Could offer more promos and contests
With its headquarters in Canada, the team at Sports Interactions knows the Canadian betting market and provides fantastic odds and markets on the most popular sports.
Sports Interaction’s website is attractive and functions well on both computers and mobile devices.
Sports Interaction could offer more promotions, but the overall package they provide bettors is difficult to beat.
Northwest Territories Betting at PowerPlay

Available to Northwest Territories bettors
Generous welcome bonus and array of promotions
Easily accessible website
Lacks a dedicated racebook
PowerPlay offers a generous welcome bonus – worth up to $250 – and keeps the rewards coming with on-going and seasonal promotions.
PowerPlay offers an impressive number of markets on North American and international sports.
PowerPlay is one of the best sites in the Northwest Territories currently accepting Bitcoin.
Northwest Territories Betting at Betway

Available to Northwest Territories bettors
Loads of odds on North American sports
Rewards their users well
Slower than average payouts
Betway is an excellent sports betting site for finding pre-match, futures, and live betting odds on North American sports.
Betway offers a nice welcome bonus and plenty of promotions, including daily extra juice specials and a free bet club.
Betway could improve the speed they process payouts.
Northwest Territory Betting at Spin Sports

Spin Palace Sports
Available to Northwest Territories bettors
Fast payouts and low minimum deposit
Amazing site for betting on soccer
Limited ways to make withdrawals
Spin Sports offers a vast selection of betting markets, especially impressive when checking out their soccer selection.
Spin Sports offers a good welcome bonus. You can make the bonus even better with frequent enhanced odds specials.
While payouts are fast at Spin Sports, many eWallets are ineligible for withdrawals.
Northwest Territories Betting at Bodog

Available to Northwest Territories bettors
Funs promotions on major sports
Higher bonus for Bitcoin bettors
Rarely first website to post odds
Bodog is a great sports betting site for finding odds and promotions on popular sports such as the NHL and NFL.
Bitcoin bettors rejoice, as not only does Bodog accept the cryptocurrency, but they also offer extra on your welcome bonus when you use Bitcoin.
Bodog offers plenty of useful betting information and an in-depth FAQ section.
Northwest Territories Betting at 10Bet

Available to Northwest Territories bettors
Low rollover on bonuses
Awesome live sports betting
Could improve their casino
10Bet offers an average welcome bonus, but it comes with one of the lowest rollover requirements. They also offer reload bonuses with their VIP program – also at a 5x rollover.
10Bet opens an impressive number of markets on in-play games and events.
10Bet could improve their casino, as they do not offer live poker and the casino welcome bonus is low.
Northwest Territories Betting at Unibet

Available to Northwest Territories bettors
Wide selection of betting markets
Great selection of casino games
Not a generous welcome bonus
Unibet offers an expansive selection of betting odds, with a particularly impressive number of markets on eSports.
Unibet bet offers a great casino experience, with plenty of options and rewards.
While the welcome bonus is not the greatest, they have appealing on-going promotions to make joining Unibet worthwhile.
Northwest Territories Gambling

Western Canada Lottery Corporation
The WCLC provides the Northwest Territories with sports betting through Sport Select.
No Casinos in the NWT
The Northwest Territories is one of the three regions in Canada without any physical casinos.
No Spots for Horse Racing or Offtrack Betting
If bettors from the Northwest Territories want to enjoy horse racing, they will need to drive far into either BC, Alberta, or Saskatchewan.
Northwest Territories Betting Facts
Home to beautiful scenery, rich natural resources, and hardworking Canadians – the Northwest Territories exemplifies so much of what makes Canada great. Of course, life in Canada’s great white north is a challenge. One of the challenges many face is betting on sports. For years, sports bettors in NWT were forced to travel to a limited few lottery retailers. However, with increasing internet access and more online sportsbooks welcoming Canadian punters, betting in the NWT is now easy.
There are many Northwest Territories Betting Sites. That means the challenge now is picking the best site for your betting needs. To help you out, we have researched and tested out the sports betting sites available. We have narrowed it done through our rigorous research and only provide the best sites on this page. Whether it is excellent odds on the NHL, fast live sports betting, or fun promotions – we have found a sports betting website for every style of bettor.
Without Casinos NWT Bettors Head Online
The Northwest Territories is one of three regions in Canada without a single physical casino. Whether it is the population density, demand, or regulations, there has never been a reason to bring casinos to the Northwest Territories. The lack of options previously forced bettors to travel to another province or the Yukon.
Now, however, those looking to enjoy slots, poker, and table games are in luck. They can just join a sports betting website. Every sports betting site we recommend on this page offers an online casino. From live poker tables to comic book themed slots, and high limit baccarat, the sites we recommend we appeal to everyone.
No Horse Racings or Offtrack Betting for NWT Bettors
Like the other Territories in the Canadian Arctic, the Northwest Territories is home to no horse racing tracks of offtrack betting locations. The region draws in workers from all across Canada, meaning there are people living in the area – whether temporary or permanent – who are missing betting at the track and watching the ponies.
While there are no plans any time soon for a horse racing track opening in NWT, it is easy now to enjoy betting on horse racing. The majority of the sports betting sites we list in our recommendations offer horse racing odds through a dedicated racebook. Whether it’s odds on the Canadian Triple Crown, the Kentucky Derby, or thousands of other races around the world – bettors will enjoy checking out our top racebook recommendations.
How We Review Betting Sites for the Northwest Territories
The review process we follow for sports betting sites accepting bettors from the Northwest Territories is comprehensive and unbiased. We look at many factors, including initial match bonuses, payouts times, pre-match and in-play odds, and other issues, to provide the best Northwest Territories Betting Sites.
Scoring Sites for Consistent Reviews
To produce consistent and trustworthy reviews, we use a standardized scoring process. These steps allow us to consider the same aspects from every site and compare the legally available options to only recommend the best sports betting sites.
Best Sites for the Land of the Polar
Bettors from the Great White North deserve the best when they bet on sports. Through our experience researching and testing out Northwest Territories Betting Sites, we are proud of the list we recommend. You will only find the best on this page from sites with beautiful interfaces and advanced live sports betting to those delivering extra juice and fun promotions.
Gambling in Northwest Territories FAQ
While many forms of gambling are not readily available in the Northwest Territories, most forms of gambling are legal. The legal forms of gambling include playing the lottery, betting on sports, casino gaming, and charitable gaming. There are also no laws prohibiting the use of online betting sites.
Yes, sports betting is legal in the Northwest Territories. There are also no laws in the Northwest Territories (or Canada) prohibiting Canadians from enjoying sports betting sites.
The legal gambling age in the Northwest Territories is 18 years old. If the region were ever to open a casino, individuals visiting would need to be at least 19 to enter the premises.
There are two ways to bet on sports in the Northwest Territories. One way is to use Sport Select, a sports lottery run by the WCLC. The other way is to join an online sportsbook. Online sportsbooks have many advantages over Sport Select, such as offering more betting markets, having better odds, and allowing single wagers.
There are no casinos in the Northwest Territories. There are a few bingo halls, primarily located in Yellowknife.
There are no horse racing tracks or offtrack betting locations in the Northwest Territories.
The best sports betting websites in the Northwest Territories are the ones that understand how bettors want to bet and what makes them enjoy betting on sports. Whether it is a massive selection of markets, fun promotions, a wealth of casino games, or great NHL betting lines – the sites we list on this page offer the best legal betting experiences in the region.
About the Author

Austin Murphy
Austin was born in a small town in Minnesota and grew up watching heated MLB matches. He has written for a variety of sports publications. They have been local, national, and international in scope.
Northwest Territories Sports Betting – Gambling Law & Authorities

The Northwest Territories is Canada’s third largest land area, and the home to the heartiest hockey loving Canadians. Despite the expansive mainland and some small Arctic Ocean islands being sparsely populated and void of professional sports teams, there are after all people interested in sports betting. They see in it a little stray fun from their everyday fishing, forestry and mining jobs, which are the primary industries.
And why not bet on sports. It’s legal and state-run like in the other provinces throughout Canada. So, in the following we will explain the sports betting products available to the citizens of this region and what the gambling law says.
Recommended Canadian Sports Betting Sites In Northwest Territories
CAD 250
CAD 200
CAD 150
CAD 200
CAD 2500
CAD 250
CAD 125
CAD 200
CAD 200
CAD 500
CAD 2500
CAD 500
Sports Betting in Northwest Territories
The following betting games are available in the Northwest Territories:
- Proline: This is the most popular type of betting game where players can wager up to $100 on a parley bet of no more than six games. You can bet on team win or tie.
- Over/Under: When you bet if the final score will be higher or lower than the number provided on the ticket. You can make up to ten selections on one ticket and bet a maximum $100.
- Point Spread: One of the most popular bets in the USA, where you factor in a point spread into the final result, which deducts points from the favourite or adds to the underdog.
- Pools: This one is like playing for a progressive jackpot, where a $5 fee will enter you in a contest in which bettors compete who will make the most correct predictions. There is a leaderboard and points are awarded. The winner takes the biggest share of the prize pool.
- Props: Betting on the stats of two athletes pitted against one another. Wagers can go up to $100 at maximum.
- Double Play: With Double Play bettors can combine Proline and Over/Under wagers on the same ticket.
- Combo Play: Combos are series of combinations for the same event where Over/Under, Point Spread and Proline wagers are made.
People can buy tickets for the sports betting lottery at their local convenience stores, which makes Sport Select a very convenient sports betting brand. But, due to the limitations in terms of bet limits, selections, the no single game betting rule and other factors like having to go to buy a ticket, serious bettors tend to go online and look for off-shore sports betting websites where most of all the odds are much better and the options are richer.
Gambling Law in Northwest Territories
The gambling law in the Northwest Territories says that all sports betting, gambling, bingo and lottery activities are legal. This goes for online sports betting as well, even though nowhere in the law is mentioned that. The logic dictates that if online sports betting is not forbidden and it’s not mentioned anywhere in the laws, it means it’s legal. It’s not illegal to say the least, which is enough to bet freely. Casino gambling is legal too.
Licensing Authorities in Northwest Territories
Responsible for the sports betting games in the Northwest Territories is the NWT and Nunavit Lotteries. Their headquarters are found in the only city in the territory, the capital Yellowknife. All kiosks and convenience stores that would like to sell lottery or sports betting tickets have to obtain a license at the NWT.
Population of Northwest Territories
Of the three territories in Canada that have no inherent sovereignty like Yukon, Nunavit and the Northwest Territories, the NW has the largest population. Despite having an area land big as almost as Quebec, there is barely a population over 40,000 (41,786 as of May 10, 2016). Half of the population is Aboriginal people. There are 10 major ethnic groups like First Nations, English, Canadian, Scottish, Irish, Inuit, French, German, Metis and Ukrainian. Also, there are 11 official languages, mostly Aboriginal like Chipewyan, Cree, Gwich’in, Inuinnaqtun etc.
Offline Betting Venues in Northwest Territories
Due to the harsh climate, low population and geographical barriers, there are no permanent offline betting venues in the forms of racetracks or casinos. The only casino gambling operations that are organized in the Northwest Territories are those in the form of bingos, Nevada pull tickets and charity organized casinos. These are the only options found from Whati to Aklavik.
Because of this, the people there that want to gamble and have nowhere to go tend to visit online gambling websites licensed in Kahnawake or off-shore licensing jurisdictions. They are free to do that and don’t face repercussions.
The people of the Northwest Territories, however small in number like to bet on sports. Despite the lack of professional sports teams, they are still interested in sports. Thanks to the relaxed legislation, players can supplement their sports betting hobby with superior betting lines from online sports betting websites licensed off-shore, which they do considering that the Sport Select odds are not so great.
Northwest Territories online sports betting laws
The Northwest Territories are vast – but the sports betting options here are small for those among the 45,000-strong population to enjoy. Despite the passage of bill C-218 in the summer of 2021, there are no licensed sites offering single-game wagers.
Is sports betting legal in the Northwest Territories?
Northwest Territories sports betting is legal, but sports fans who fancy a wager have few licensed options.
Is online sports betting legal in the Northwest Territories?
There are currently no licensed online sports betting options available to people in the Northwest Territories.
How old do I have to be to place a bet in the Northwest Territories?
You need to be at least 19 years old to enjoy any sort of gambling in the Northwest Territories.
Is sports betting legal in the Northwest Territories?
Northwest Territories sports betting has been legal for some time, but placing a bet with a licensed operator is not easy. All official betting activity in the territory is administered by the NWT and Nunavut Lotteries. This body offers a variety of opportunities under the Sport Select banner. Unfortunately, this is not available online in the Northwest Territories.
The only option is to travel in person to one of the retail outlets licensed to accept Sport Select wagers. The facility for single-game wagers, permitted under bill C-218 that was passed in the summer of 2021, has yet to reach the Northwest Territories. The only form of sports betting allowed is parlay bets ; you need to make at least three selections, and they all have to win for you to see a return.
It is inevitable that many people in the Northwest Territories prefer to patronize sportsbooks operated by organizations based outside the territory. These operations are perfectly legal under Canadian law. However, they are working in a grey area by virtue of the fact that they are unlicensed.
The products they offer are superior to the Sport Select games – but their unlicensed status means there is a degree of risk in betting with them. In the event of a dispute, you are unlikely to have any legal recourse.
The Canadian government has ruled that gambling winnings should not constitute a form of taxable income. That means that you can keep every cent of your returns from successful wagers. However, should you earn interest on your winnings you must pay tax on that and if you don’t declare it on your T5 form, you could face a fine.
Daily Fantasy Sports in the Northwest Territories
Daily Fantasy Sports are completely legal in Canada. No law has ever been passed outlawing DFS in the country, and as a result the major providers of the games have operated there for some years. DraftKings and FanDuel have large numbers of fans in Northwest Territories who regularly take on the challenge of fantasy sports.
Top sports to bet on in the Northwest Territories
There are no professional sports outfits in the Northwest Territories – but there are plenty of enthusiasts among the small population who enjoy a wager on events elsewhere.
Hockey is beyond question the biggest sport here, as it is across Canada. Fans follow the NHL action closely and sides such as the Vancouver Canucks and the Edmonton Oilers generate plenty of support – and betting activity.
The NFL is the richest sports league in the world and its popularity spreads far and wide – including this far north. Canadian Football League teams also enjoy plenty of support and interest, ensuring football is always a popular option for Northwest Territories sports betting.
Basketball enjoys a high level of interest across Canada. Betting on NBA matches is popular, and the exploits of the Toronto Raptors, who won the NBA finals in 2019, ensure plenty of Canadians follow their matches.
Responsible gambling in the Northwest Territories
The fact that there are so few options when it comes to licensed sports betting, allied to the small population, means there are few local resources available to people who may face problems with their gambling.
The Responsible Gambling Council is widely acknowledged as the main resource for people across Canada needing help.
Where can you bet in the Northwest Territories?
The only licensed option for Northwest Territories sports betting is to attend one of the many retail venues allowed to operate the Sport Select games administered by the local lottery organization. There is no such thing as licensed Northwest Territories online betting and no land-based casinos in the region either.
Single-game online sports betting in Canada
Our interactive map shows the status of betting in each Canadian province and territory. Betting is legal nationwide, but some provinces only allow parlay betting – bets made up of multiple selections, rather than a single one. Other provinces allow single-game online sports betting, as well as parlay betting.
Also note that many licensed offshore websites offer legal alternatives, and our map represents provincially regulated options only.
- Single game betting
- No single game betting
Northwest Territories betting FAQs
Technically, there are many Northwest Territories betting sites where a sports fan can place a wager. Numerous offshore operators offer their services to people in the region, and their sites are perfectly legal. The fact that they are unlicensed means they are still in a grey area; but the absence of a licensed alternative leaves the field free for them.
With no licensed Northwest Territories betting sites currently available, the only online option for fans here is to use one of the offshore sportsbooks who operate in a grey area – they are legal, but unlicensed. The best betting sites have a wide choice of markets, generous bonuses and an excellent customer experience.
Yes, it is. This differs to the US, where many states do not allow wagers to be struck on this enormously popular form of sport. However, you may have to shop around to find Northwest Territories betting sites that offer odds on the latest events.
Providing you with the best insight, knowledge and tips about online betting, as well as odds comparisons and great offers from the most trusted brands in the industry.
The odds displayed on this site are provided by our partners and are subject to change at any time.
Northwest Territories Sports Betting
A complete guide on NWT lottery and other gambling services.
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Northwest Territories Betting Legal Updates
Single-game sports betting has been permitted on a national level, but this does not mean that each province and territory will be opening up its markets. The Northwest Territories have decided in November 2021 to open up their markets to single-game sports betting.
Single-game sports betting is legal in the Northwest Territories.
How to Gamble in the Northwest Territories
Despite the absence of professional sports teams and a sparse population, the Northwest Territories is home to some of the most avid sports fans and bettors. And now with the amendment to single-game betting in the Northwest Territories and the country as a whole, the province’s betting community is likely to grow.
And gambling in the Northwest Territories has never been easier thanks to providing a one-stop-shop for all the best online sportsbooks.
These books are open to anyone from the Northwest Territories and they sweeten the pot by offering a sign-up bonus for new players. Best of all, they let you bet on the many different sports from Canadian favourites like ice hockey and baseball to emerging global sports like MMA and esports.
Traditionally, the NWT Lottery is responsible for all the gambling action up here. Their headquarters are found in Yellowknife, the territory’s capital city and any stores hoping to be a gambling vendor need to purchase their licenses here.
The Northwest Lottery and the Northwest Proline have been the only local sports betting options here. And while they’re serviceable, online sportsbooks just offer plenty more options.
Besides, when it’s deathly cold outside, it’s much more convenient to stay at home and enjoy sports wagering with a hot chocolate and snuggies.

How to gamble on sports in Northwest territories
You can gamble on sports in the Northwest Territories if you follow all the regulations imposed by both the online sportsbooks and the NWT Lottery.
This includes being over 18-years-old, having an email address, and/or verifying your identity with a valid government-issued photo ID.
In some cases, you may also need to provide proof of address (rarely) and a bank statement or credit check. It mostly depends on the online sportsbook you are signing up for.
When it comes to the Northwest Proline, this is like buying cigarettes or alcohol: show your ID to prove you are of age and the clerks should have no issues. Make sure to read and understand the rules when betting the Proline or playing online.
When playing with online sportsbooks, do your due diligence by comparing the books. This means reading their reviews and using them to compare the pros and cons of each. But if you want to be meticulous, open these books at different tabs or windows and see.
A few factors you need to consider when picking the book are its efficiency, odds, and promotions.
You want to ensure the books have a fully functional and easy-to-navigate interface both for their desktop and mobile sites. Check to see if they offer odds early and if they are good odds that reflect the market. And also keep an eye out for what kind of promotions they offer.
Narrow your options by focusing on what kind of sports you want to bet. Find the sportsbook that offer the best odds, the most markets, and the best promotions for the sport. Different books will focus on different sports even if all of them offer odds for all sports.

Compare Sportsbooks for best betting opportunities in NWT
On the note of comparing sportsbooks, the Northwest Lottery’s options are straightforward and limited. With online sportsbooks, you’ll need to carefully examine each.
One of the first things you compare is bonuses, as we mentioned. Most sportsbooks offer a sign-up bonus but they all differ in the denomination. Some books offer up to $500 in cash bonuses to match your deposit. Most will offer up to $200.
Secondly, you will need to compare the campaigns and promos the books offer. As we discussed, the books offer these promos depending on the sport. The campaigns and promos tend to run the same time as a season starts. The main sports leagues: NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, and soccer leagues run from season to season as do the corresponding promos.
And while the NWT Lottery keeps a tight lid on the betting scene locally, online sportsbooks are a little more liberal. You will be able to play using more ways of depositing your money including using bitcoin.
Bitcoin sports betting is a thing in Canada even if the Northwest Lottery does not accept this as a form of payment. But some books like Bodog prefer this method and it is also the fastest payment you can access. However, some books have yet to accept bitcoin.
On an additional note, you will need to be a verified bitcoin user to start handling the currency.
Other forms of payment you can use include credit cards, money orders, and third-party debt. They are also fast forms of payment.

Best Sportsbooks in Northwest territories
The best thing about online sportsbooks in the Northwest Territories is they don’t differ in their service from when they serve other provinces or territories much like a national Sports Lottery in Canada. These books, so long as the NWT is eligible, will offer the same type of legitimate service.
The absence of sports teams or events in the NWT doesn’t mean a lack of sports enthusiasm in the territories. Besides, with long harsh winters and not much to do, most of the denizens would stick to their local pubs or stay at home and watch sports.
And thanks to the magic of modern tech, it’s easy to catch any kind of sport. This is why online sportsbooks cover all the big sports.
Ice Hockey
Ice Hockey is Canada’s main sport and the NHL is the undisputed king here in the north. Online sportsbooks offer a wealth of betting options from the NHL preseason to the Stanley Cup Finals. They also cover non-NHL ice hockey leagues and events like the KHL, the World Juniors, and the World Cup of Hockey.
The markets for ice hockey are also bountiful and include the “Canadian line” a.k.a. “Puck line”, which is like ice hockey’s own point spread. This unique market takes an alternative strategy and adds a twist to watching hockey games.
Catching up to the popularity of ice hockey is football, both American and Canadian. The NFL enjoys more international success and is a behemoth of a sports league. But Canadians are also enamoured with their local CFL, which produces some exciting football matches in its own right.
The books also offer countless markets for both the CFL and NFL from their exhibition games to the Grey Cup and Super Bowl. Both events garner widespread viewership and betting action from coast-to-coast. The CFL planning to expand to Halifax combined with the NFL introducing more and more games to Canada can only mean the continued growth of both leagues.

Other Sports
Other major sports events like the NBA Finals, MLB World Series, Kentucky Derby, and both Summer and Winter Olympics are available. The rise of the Toronto Raptors is bringing basketball even bigger acclaim in Canada. And baseball has long been a Canadian favourite and the return of the Montreal Expos will only make the sport bigger.
Types of Bets
Rivalling their coverage of sports are the different types of betting they offer. Whereas the Northwest Proline is pretty much a parlay, where you bet multiple outcomes into one single wager, the online sportsbooks offer anywhere from pre-match odds to live betting to futures.
Online sportsbooks also offer hundreds of different markets:
- Straight-up: this is the most common type of bet to make; simply pick who wins the game or match (or pick a tie/draw if it’s applicable); odds here manifest in three ways:
- Moneyline: manifest as a minus (favourite) or plus (underdog) number; minus indicates how much you bet to win $100 while plus shows how much you win when you bet $100
- Decimal: manifest as a decimal; to calculate your winnings, multiply your bet by the decimal number
- Fractional: manifest as a fraction; calculate your winnings by multiplying it by the fraction
- Spreads: mostly known as “point spreads”, this is an alternative to the moneyline; handicap points are assigned to both competitors and whoever wins, after adding or subtracting their handicaps, wins the bet; unlike the moneyline, odds here are set at even for both
- Over/Under (Totals): contrary to betting on a winner, you can bet on the total amount of points/goals/runs both teams/players will score in the event; like the spread, this 50/50 proposition results in even odds for both sides
- Props: an exotic bet, this is a side wager you make that deals with more specific results (like a specific amount of points a player will score or a team will win by) either during pre-game, during the game, or after it

Northwest Territories Lottery
With online sportsbooks, it is easier to make money with your sports knowledge compared with the Northwest Lottery or the Northwest Proline.
In betting, nothing is guaranteed. But when you’re playing with the NWT Lottery, they stack the deck against you. Just take the Northwest Proline as an example.
The Northwest Proline is watered down. If you make the same type of bet in an online sportsbook, you will win almost twice as much.
But what makes winning the Proline so difficult is its scoring system, which includes a draw. And they combine both straight-up style bets with point spread bets in their own scoring category.

With the Proline, they make a discrepancy between a win and a win+. This means the teams have to win by five or more points or 11 or more points to cover either, respectively. Winning under five counts as a draw.
This is consistent for all types of sports or teams and doesn’t align with the odds that Vegas sets for online sportsbooks, further convoluting everything.
With all of these conditions, sports betting becomes akin to playing the lottery. With online sportsbooks, you can do this and you can make more informed wagers with single outcome bets with more flexible odds. And best of all, you get to choose the betting odds if you select the right sportsbooks.
Now, if you’re also a fan of scratch cards and lotteries, you can find online casinos from our partner sportsbooks. They not only offer sports betting but casinos complete with games like Poker, Roulette, and arcade games.
Sports betting in other provinces
Northwest Territories Sports Betting FAQ
Yes, gambling is totally legal in the Northwestern Territories. Although there are no land-based casinos, there are a wide variety of options available to citizens online, with Canadian-based sportsbook providers as well as PRO-LINE markets.
PRO-LINE is absolutely available and one of the most popular betting lines in the province.
The most popular type for Northwest Territories bettors is the PRO-LINE wager which allows users to wager up to $100 on a parley bet of no more than six games. Bettors can wager on win or tie, with numerous selections available.
Northwest Territories has no restrictions with regard to gambling and with no land-based casinos, all the bettors play online.
As such, the regulations users must follow are elected by each sportsbook, so it’s worth checking with the sportsbook in question and see what they have to offer in their racebooks.
There are no casinos currently up and running in Northwest Territories, leaving bettors with online casinos and sportsbook providers to play on.
The capital of Yellowknife has a number of smaller sports teams, but none that are competing at a college sports level that we see in the U.S. It’s also worth noting the sparsity of the citizens of the province means it’s unlikely that a team would have a sufficient following in order to warrant the development of a team.
While the services provided by the province permit users to gamble with online providers as there are no casinos around, but they also provide social services. For those that are struggling with gambling, they can contact 800 661 0830 for more information.
The minimum bet will always depend on the online provider in question, as some hold very low deposit limits while others require a figure slightly beyond what is expected of a minimum. Generally speaking, the minimum will be anywhere between $2 and $10 – though always check before you deposit!
Much like the minimum limits we discussed before, the deposit limits are dictated by the sportsbook the user’s playing on as the limits vary greatly.
Deposit limits and bonuses are key aspects of a sportsbook and must be considered and reviewed before placing their first bet. Depositing rewards users greatly, so ensure to take full advantage of what’s on offer!
The best sportsbook is a difficult thing to find, as the odds and markets vary from one to the next, which means the best sportsbook is a subjective question. However, what we can do is recommend you some of the top-tier sportsbook providers right now.
For citizens of Northwest Territories, there a variety of great sportsbooks to choose from, the likes of Sports Interaction (SIA) and PowerPlay are both top choices.
The city of Yellowknife is the capital of the province, but even in Yellowknife, there are no teams competition and the top-tier of sport in Canada, nor in North America.